Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nefretiti's Monument

Smaller than Rameses' but no less impressive! At a later date, when I have my guide book handy I will correct any mis-spellings and add some interesting facts like how big these mountains are!!

I do remember learning about the making of the Aswan Damn and how the monuments that were found at the site had to moved so that they wouldn't be destroyed. Something tells me there were Life Magazine articles about the engineering involved -- I was probably about 7 or 8 years old when this was all going on. And of course, we all know that the Temple of Dendur -- at the Met -- was a gift from the Egyptian government to the US to thank us for the financial and technical help in completing the project and moving these huge structures.

To give you an idea of the scale of these things -- the Temple of Dendur is small relative to them!

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