It was at least 93 degrees today -- so the walking around Jaffa was limited to the shops that are mentioned in today's NY Times and the small alleyways of the flea market. Mika and I had lunch at Cafe Puaa -- and it was exactly as written in the paper. Excellent and not expensive. We walked passed number 1 Dolfin Street -- the home of the BEST Hummus in Tel Aviv (or is it Israel, or the world?) but too bad for me, it was already closed. I will return for hummus another time.
My return visit to the PHR agency was also rewarding. I spent about an hour with Gali -- Director of Development (originally from Teaneck), hearing about ways I could possibly help out. I left with some documents to read to further familiarize myself with the organization, and promised to read and give some critical feedback on a proposal.
I would be remiss in not mentioning the amazing Arab-Jewish Community Center. This huge building and gymnasium is the center of after-school life for the children of Yaffo. The adults in the community also utilize the center. I will compare it to a JCC but it is not only "J". It is A and J and that makes this place very, very special here. More on this later...
I am experiencing many of the realities of this place. I am not yet ready to write about the political situation, but I am asking lots of questions and digesting the answers. I am realizing that there are many contradictions that may never be fully reconciled.
Check out the link I gave you for the US Consulate in Jerusalem. They do lots of outreach. They were partly responsible (along with the State Dept.) for Matt and his band's musical adventure there in 2002.
okey dokey
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